Annual Children's Halloween Parade

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Welcome to the Jackson Lions Club

The Jackson Lions Club proudly welcomes you to our website! We have served the community and our world for many decades, and our tradition continues today.

Many people ask, "What is the Lions Club?", and here's the answer in a nutshell: We are a group of committed and dedicated business people from the greater Jackson, California area who share a common belief: that service to others is a high and worthy calling. And we share this view passionately with Lions Club members all over the world. Please visit our Why We Serve page for more information about how the Lions came to be, and other information about our organization.

Here is where you'll find the latest information on our Club's many events and efforts such as Dandelion Days and our 3rd of July Fireworks Spectacular and more. You can find more detailed info on our events and activities on our "Our Programs" page.
