Welcome to the Jackson Lions Club

The Jackson Lions Club proudly welcomes you to our website! We have served the community and our world for many decades, and our tradition continues today.

Many people ask, "What is the Lions Club?", and here's the answer in a nutshell: We are a group of committed and dedicated business people from the greater Jackson, California area who share a common belief: that service to others is a high and worthy calling. And we share this view passionately with Lions Club members all over the world. Please visit our Why We Serve page for more information about how the Lions came to be, and other information about our organization.

Here is where you'll find the latest information on our Club's many events and efforts such as Dandelion Days and our 3rd of July Fireworks Spectacular and more. You can find more detailed info on our events and activities on our "Our Programs" page.




Dandelion Days - March 15-16, 2025


Downtown Jackson will overflow with family-friendly fun -- antiques and crafts vendors, two days of live music, pancake breakfast, kids’ carnival, food booths, beer and wine garden – at the Jackson Lions Club’s annual Dandelion Days Street Fair, Saturday and Sunday, March 15 – 16, 2025, 8 am – 5 pm, rain or shine.  (click on flyers for larger view or to print)


  • The Lions Club will hold a Pancake Breakfast, starting at 7 am both mornings at the Jackson Civic Center, 33 Broadway, $8/person, kids 12 & under, $5.
  • Live music stages, sponsored by the National Hotel and Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort, will be in Petkovich Park and in the Logan’s Alley Beer & Wine Garden (by the creek next to the National Hotel). Music performances for all ages both days include Over The Edge, Amador Sons, Doppleganger, Tin Dears, Haywired, Kool Shifters,It’s All Good, Doppelganger, Highway Vagabonds, The Blowbacks, She Calls Him Wilson, and Violin on Fire.

  • Food booths and the kids’ carnival will be set up between Petkovich Park and the Ledger Dispatch office.

  • People attending the event are encouraged to bring used eyeglasses and hearing aids to donate to the Lions Club and can also bring other items that support charitable causes such as pull tabs to the Lions Club Trailer.

  • Free parking with shuttle to Main Street is available in Jackson at the Amador County Administration Building (810 Court Street); and at the Sutter Hill Transit Center, 115 Valley View Way, Sutter Creek). Free shuttle will be provided by Amador Transit. Paid parking will be available at Grocery Outlet, run by and benefitting the Junior Mustang Youth Football program
    (no overnight parking there)

  • Jackson Main Street and portions of Water Street and Broadway near Petkovich Park willbe closed to parking at noon, Friday, 3/14, and to through-traffic from 5 pm Friday until approximately 7 pm, Sunday, 3/16.

  • To apply for a booth space or get more information about the event CLICK HERE or call Byron Welch, 209-296-2275.










The Jackson Lions Club, during a recent special Board of Directors meeting, approved to send $1,000 to the Hawaii Wildfire Relief. Currently, per Lion Todd, CLF (California Lions Foundation) has already raised over $20,000.00 dollars toward this cause/relief fund.









If you would like to contribute to this fund, just click on the "DONATE" button below or thru other avenues described below. The devastating wildfires that have swept through the beautiful landscapes of Hawaii have left families and communities in distress.

As part of the California Lions Foundation's commitment to extending a helping hand in times of need, we are reaching out to you with an urgent appeal to support the victims of the Hawaiian fires. Working with Lions of Hawaii, all funds raised will be expedited to them to manage the relief and recovery efforts directly on the ground in Hawaii. 

The impact of these wildfires has been truly heart-wrenching. Homes have been destroyed, cherished memories have turned to ashes, and countless lives have been upended. The immediate and long-term needs of these families are vast, ranging from emergency shelter and basic necessities to emotional support and rebuilding their lives.

The California Lions Foundation has a long-standing tradition of coming together in times of crisis. With your support, we can make a real impact on the lives of these disaster-stricken families. No contribution is too small – every dollar counts and will be used effectively to provide the help that's desperately needed.

How to Donate: You can make your donation online through our secure website at californialionsfoundation.org or if you prefer to contribute by check, please make it payable to "California Lions Foundation" with "Hawaii Wildfire Relief" in the memo line, and mail it to:

California Lions Foundation
c/o PDG David Hebebrand
20231 Valley Blvd. Suite E
Tehachapi, CA 93561

Your compassion and generosity can truly make a difference. We urge you to stand with us and the victims of the Hawaii wildfires during this challenging time. Share this appeal with your friends, family, and colleagues, as collective efforts can bring about positive change.

Thank you for being a beacon of hope in times of darkness. Together, we can bring relief, support, and strength to those who need it most.

Website: californialionsfoundation.org/hawaii

The California Lions Foundation is a fully tax exempt charitable 501(c)(3) entity.
Only designated funds raised with this appeal will be used to help Hawaii wildfire victims. No other CLF funds will be used for this cause.

Federal ID #81-2850129
